BREAKING: Evidence COVID RNA Base Pairs Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA - "We are the virus"

Nobody could have guessed that. So back to the Old Normal. Right? You bet.

Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA -">

The PCR tests are apparently used to create a database of human DNA. According to Max Igan, chromosome 8 corresponds to intelligence and the ability to deal with cancer. The PCR tests apparently collect DNA samples on a large scale and store them in a database for later use when needed (against humans).

Urgent Information About Your Future -
They See Us As The Virus - Big Pharma Is The Cure! Eyes 2 See & Ears 2 Hear! -
Dr. Stefan Lanka - The Misconception called Virus Part 1 (Narrated) -

See also:

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