Menschliche Augmentation, biodigitale Konvergenz
Die biodigitale Konvergenz unter Einsatz von Nanotechnologie und unter Nutzung des Body Area Networks (Aura) wird seit Jahrzehnten, wenn nicht Jahrhunderten, massiv vorangetrieben. Aber weiß davon, wer spricht darüber, und wer sagt, dass Nanotechnologie bzw. Nanorobotik seit Dekaden über Luft (Smart Dust), Wasser, Böden, Nahrungsmittel und andere Wege in jeden Menschen, jedes Tier und jede Pflanze gelangt und vermutlich in allen Injektabilia seit dem Jahr 2000 enthalten ist - Covid selbstverständlich eingeschlossen -, ohne dass explizit darauf hingewiesen worden wäre oder dem jemand zugestimmt hätte?
Wie ist es möglich, dass mit der Transformation allen natürlichen, biologischen Lebens, so wie es seit ewigen Zeiten auf der Erde existiert, in synthetisches "Leben" das vermutlich größte Verbrechen in der Geschichte der Menschheit stattfindet, und kaum jemand weiß davon?
Kann es wirklich sein, dass letztlich seelenlose Technologie ohne Bewusstsein im leeren, unendlichen Raum ohne Anfang und Ende schwebt nachdem alles natürliche Leben zerstört wurde durch die unstillbare Raff- und Machtgier einen kleinen psychopathischen Minderheit mit Allmachtsphantasien?
Seiten/Kanäle, die man kennen sollte:
- Body Area Networks: Psinergy und nonvaxer420
- Nanotech/Nanorobotik im menschlichen Körper: Dr. Ana Mihalcea
- 7G Terahertz Smart Dust MESH Network enslavement system, smart dust: Juxtaposition1
Sie haben das Gefühl, dass einige Kritiker nicht ganz koscher sind? Im folgenden Video erfahren Sie, warum viele der populären und angesehenen Kritiker nicht die ganze Wahrheit sagen und Sie von den wirklich wichtigen Informationen versuchen fernzuhalten.
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We exist under fascism and a CULT Swiss Bank Authority, Maritime Law, and the Biodigital Convergence Pacification & Control Techno-enslavement REAL ID VERIFIED human husbandry System.
Martial law, also known as martial rule, is a temporary state where military authorities take over the functions of civil authorities in a designated area during an emergency when the civilian government is unable to function effectively. Here are the key points:
Definition: Martial law involves the displacement of civilian government by the military.
Under Marshall Law:
Laws: Military commanders create laws.
Enforcement: Soldiers enforce these laws instead of local police.
Justice: Ordinary citizens accused of defying martial law may face military tribunals rather than civilian courts.
Scope: While not specifically defined in the U.S. Constitution, legal experts consider martial law to be the use of military personnel to dramatically assist or replace a nation’s normal legal system during emergencies.
Imposition: Martial law can be declared by the U.S. president, a state governor, or a local military commander under specific situations.
Historical Instances: Martial law has been declared in the U.S. about 68 times, often involving labor unrest, and has led to legal challenges.
Duration: Although temporary in theory, a state of martial law may continue indefinitely.
Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. It consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships and all waterways, intermodal transportation systems, air, rail, road, highway. International rules governing the use of the oceans and seas are known as the Law of the Sea aka: Military Marshall Law.
Geneva Switzerland is headquarters for ONE WORLD ANTHROPOLOGY:
Smart Dust, Wireless Sensor Networks, Joy Weiss CEO Dust Networks:
— Videobeschreibung
Under The Skin: The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things:
First, there was the Internet of Things (IoT), then the Internet of Bodies
(IoB), the Internet of Everything (IoE), and finally, Big Pharma and the
military are going into your blood to construct the Internet of
Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT). You might have hoped for the Internet of Nothing,
but instead, you are getting the Internet Of Universal Skynet (IoUS). This
paper from March 2015 is a primer that anybody can understand, including
you. The IoBNT is the final building block of the surveillance network,
bridging all living things from the biochemical domain into the electrical
domain of the Internet.
There was no warning that nanotechnology of this sort was being pumped
into your veins when you received a mRNA injectable from Pfizer or
Moderna. Not a word from the government, Big Pharma, or the Military.
There was no Informed Consent offered. The non-stop propaganda blared
“Safe and Effective.”
Cities like Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Milan and Portland are
exploring or implementing 15-minute city policies in a bid to foster more
sustainable and people-centric urban environments.
The development and implementation of a Paris Agreement-aligned CAP is a
requirement for every C40 city. C40 is a global network of nearly 100
mayors of cities at the forefront of climate leadership, and cities earn
and keep their membership through action. C40 Cities staff support and
assess cities’ CAPs to ensure they are in line with the goals of the Paris
Agreement, and more than half of C40 cities have now published their CAP.
The experience of these cities in developing their CAPs informed the
Knowledge Hub’s step-by-step guide to climate action planning, which
provides advice to support every city – of every size, in every country,
regardless of C40 membership – to develop their own 1.5°C-aligned CAP.,of%20real-time%20health%20monitoring%20and%20consumer%20electronics%20application.
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"They need everybody injected for their new warfare system." — Sabrina Wallace (ab 35:57)
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NBC paid pundit fake doctor John Torres quote:
“You want to tell people, ‘Look, I know we’re all worried, but this will
have a beginning, middle and end,'” says LaPook. The key in those cases is
often giving people actionable information—ways they can seize back a bit
of agency from the virus. “Nobody likes to feel out of control, so then
you talk about things people can do—social distancing and sneezing into
the crook of their arm, for example.”
For Torres, the sequence in which news and advice are offered makes the
difference. “One of the things that we’re taught [in medical school] is
that once [we] say that word ‘cancer,’ patients are not going to listen to
a single thing we have to say. So, you give all the information up front
and then you tell them the reason you’re giving them that information,” he
says. “To a certain extent it’s the same thing here. It’s like, ‘Hey, I’m
going to give you some information and here’s how you can use it.’ Then
you tell them the repercussions if they don’t.”
YouTube Poppycock delivery:
The biggest HEALTH DISASTER of ALL TIME: (60-minute fake doctor chat)
TV Doctors:
fake doctor Jane Ruby bio and her stethoscope prop:
A graduate of the University of Rochester, she holds two doctoral degrees
in Education and Psychology, two master's degrees in nursing and
international health economics and is highly published in global health
economics as well as contemporary media and social issues books and
fake doctor/nurse John Campbell (shill for the YouTube Corona Virus
Dr. John Campbell is a retired nurse teacher known for his popular YouTube
channel, Campbell teaching, which boasts an impressive 3 million
subscribers. With a background in Biology, having earned a Bachelor of
Science degree from the Open University and a PhD from the University of
Bolton, Dr. Campbell has dedicated his career to nursing education,
notably serving as an educator at the University of Cumbria. Through his
YouTube channel, he has created numerous videos focused on the COVID-19
pandemic, where he has expressed criticisms of the COVID-19 vaccines and
lockdown measures. Alongside his teaching endeavors, Dr. Campbell is also
a published author, with works like Campbell's Pathophysiology Notes and
Campbell's Physiology Notes to his name. He is a proud father of two
children and has made media appearances, including a segment on the
conservative news program, Newsmax TV, discussing Donald Trump's positive
COVID-19 test in October 2020.
— Videobeschreibung
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How Does Human Augmentation Work?
Human Augmentation works by enhancing human abilities through technology.
Not only is human augmentation able to improve existing skills, but humans
can also access new skills using technology.
There are three different types of human augmentation:
1) Sensory. This technology is used mostly to restore abilities or compensate for impairments. Sensory augmentation is the enhancement of human senses by interpreting multisensory information.
2) Action. Augmented actions focus on improving human’s physical abilities. Technology advancements have allowed people to have more precise functions from their artificial limbs, with robotics playing a large role. Augmented action technology can also improve human capabilities.
3) Cognitive. This looks at how computers and technology can assist the cognitive process. Augmented cognition technology aims to help improve decision-making, memory and attention.
United Nations, NATO, WEF, WHO, VERN, ITU, Red Cross, Knights Templar
The Biodigital Convergence is about techno-enslavement, control:
Human augmentation is the term for technologies that improve human
capabilities. They primarily work to elevate human performance, health or
quality of life.
Human Augmentation, CBDC, 7G MESH Network, molecular communication is about milking the EMF WBAN slaves, FEMA camps and cremation ovens.
The Corporate Cohorts you need to know about:
SMART DUST Biosensors (7G):
— Videobeschreibung
Was seit Jahrzehnten mit dem menschlichen Körper als IT-Plattform passiert, ist so unglaublich und so unfassbar dreist, dass es schwer fällt, überhaupt die passenden Worte dafür zu finden. Man glaubt es nicht, was diese Psychopathen sich erlauben, und alle halten das Maul. Meinen diese Scheißtypen, sie kämen davon, während alle anderen untergehen?
Juxtaposition1 venting. Coffee Talk.
Fake doctors
Real doctors with fake advice
Pay to Play professions
Corrupt Maritime Law Courts
Mainstream Media
Military Internet social media
Fake books
Fake authors
Fake journalists
Fake Newspapers
Fake magazines
Fake N…
— Videobeschreibung
Bio-Techno-enslavement Systems: (psychological, biological and physical)
Language Warfare Studies (linguistics):
the branch of linguistics concerned with practical applications of
language studies, for example language teaching, translation, and speech
Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on solving real-world language-related problems. It involves the practical application of linguistic theories and methods to address issues in various domains such as education, psychology, communication, and technology.
Sophistry defined:
the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of
Sophistry refers to a subtle, deceptive method of reasoning or arguing that sounds plausible but is actually false or fallacious.
Examples of sophistry include:
Using clever arguments to persuade people that something is true when it
is actually false.
Reasoning that seems plausible on the surface but is unsound.
Fallacious or misleading reasoning.
Other examples:
SMART Cities
Freedom Cities
Liberty Cities
C-40 Compliant Cities
SMART Medicine
Precision Medicine
Blockchain Ledger
Food Processing Centers
Soylent Green is People
DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) everyone must get Microchipped or
Social Credit Score
QR Score
CBDC (Centralized Bank Digital Currency)
Domestic Terrorism, DHS Fusion Sherrif Centers for the noncompliant slaves
Behold the Pale Horse. META Death of Freedom and Liberties.
— Videobeschreibung
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA):,over%20all%20maritime%20contracts%2C%20torts%2C%20injuries%2C%20and%20offences.,_equity,_and_inclusion
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