Klaws Swab explains ze secret plan

Klaws Swab explains ze secret plan

If you want to lead your nation
into death and devastation
join my evil association
and make sure that on TV
you declare a pandemie.

Klaws Swab explains ze secret plan - https://odysee.com/@coronistan.blogspot.com:6/Klaws-Swab-explains-ze-secret-plan:a

If you want to lead your nation
into death and devastation
join my evil association
and make sure that on TV
you declare a pandemie.

We declare a pandemie, a pandemie.

This chaotic situation
will create a population
that demands a vaccination
which of cause will play the trick
it will make them very sick.

It will make them very, very, very sick.

When the millions are dying
its important to keep lying
and you say that you are trying
to put money in their purse
but in truth you make it worse.

But in truth we make it worse, we make it worse.

While the people fear infection
keeps the testing well in action
for the DNA collection
that creates a database
for the satellites in space.

It creates a database for the satellites in space.

And then?

And then?

The surviving population
is controlled by computation
and intrusive radiation on the towers of 5G
and we're playing the pandemie
yes we're playing the pandemie, the pandemie.

The pandemie, the pandemie.

The pandemie, the pandemie, the pandemie, the pandemie…

The pandemie.

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